2011年3月30日 星期三
「在路上」:2009阿川國際行為藝術交流展紀錄手冊 開賣啦內含國內外14位行為藝術家在台北(大安森林公 園)﹐台東(都蘭糖廠)﹐高雄(鳳山鐵道倉庫)﹐台南(孔廟)所實施共24件個人戶外公共空間長時行為作品與1件室內集體行為實驗的作品圖片與藝術家自身創作說明。另外亦收錄任教於School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston的資深行為藝術家Marilyn Arsem於台東大學關於現場行為與劇場的精彩演說稿一篇﹐以及葉子啟的策展宣言及思考行為現場及其記錄的短文各一篇。全書中英文對照﹐共84頁。
有意購買者請至郵局劃撥﹐帳號: 30180585﹐戶名: 葉子啟。請務必在劃撥單上註明: 姓名﹐郵寄地址﹐購買本數(每本酌收工本費150元﹐國內免運費)﹐及聯絡電話。數量有限﹐欲購從速。
2011年3月29日 星期二
2011年3月28日 星期一
如 果 不 再
葉 子 啟
I 獵奇之眼
行為當驚世駭俗?當搞怪?當抗爭?當令人瞠目結舌?這些是行為裡的「政治正確性」嗎?若然﹐那麼行為領域裡是不是也存有某種霸權了呢? 如果這世上沒了火山爆發﹐洪氾﹐地震﹐土石流…難道就沒有其他可觀之處嗎?
II 是藝術不是技術
III 請到現場來
If No More Yeh Tzu-chi I Eyes for Strangeness
If you don’t shit on the street, cage yourself or stay out of any building as long as one year, kneel and hang yourself in the air, eat your own fetis…. If you don’t…well, don’t do anything horrible, strange, astonishing, or disgusting, what else can you do with performance art? Should performance art be horrible, strange, astonishing, or disgusting? Should it fight against somebody or something? Are these the “political correctness” in performance art? If they are, then isn’t it referring to an existence of hegemony in this field? If there were not volcano explosion, flood, earthquake, or mood flood any more, would there be nothing left to see on this planet? Could it be possible that there is always some sort of turbulence and revolt in some small unnoticed corners? Isn’t that Picasso brought a giant revolution in the history of paintings when he painted quietly and unsurprisingly in his studio? And haven’t I faced my own claustrophobia when I enveloped my whole body with that giant heavy god-damned black cloth? Could it be possible that performance art can show hundreds of thousands of other factors than just frightening, astonishment, revolt, anger or turbulence? Could it be otherwise poetic, funny, or full of the spirit of zen, etc.……. Just like all the other art categories, performance art can have boundless space and orientation to develop and form its own specific traits of history. That’s why one can’t see performance art only with the eyes for strangeness.
II It’s art, not skill
III Please Come to the Scene
( for the whole article, pls check Documenta of ON THE WAY International Performance Art Meeting, p 11-13 )
I 獵奇之眼
行為當驚世駭俗?當搞怪?當抗爭?當令人瞠目結舌?這些是行為裡的「政治正確性」嗎?若然﹐那麼行為領域裡是不是也存有某種霸權了呢? 如果這世上沒了火山爆發﹐洪氾﹐地震﹐土石流…難道就沒有其他可觀之處嗎?
II 是藝術不是技術
III 請到現場來
If No More Yeh Tzu-chi I Eyes for Strangeness
If you don’t shit on the street, cage yourself or stay out of any building as long as one year, kneel and hang yourself in the air, eat your own fetis…. If you don’t…well, don’t do anything horrible, strange, astonishing, or disgusting, what else can you do with performance art? Should performance art be horrible, strange, astonishing, or disgusting? Should it fight against somebody or something? Are these the “political correctness” in performance art? If they are, then isn’t it referring to an existence of hegemony in this field? If there were not volcano explosion, flood, earthquake, or mood flood any more, would there be nothing left to see on this planet? Could it be possible that there is always some sort of turbulence and revolt in some small unnoticed corners? Isn’t that Picasso brought a giant revolution in the history of paintings when he painted quietly and unsurprisingly in his studio? And haven’t I faced my own claustrophobia when I enveloped my whole body with that giant heavy god-damned black cloth? Could it be possible that performance art can show hundreds of thousands of other factors than just frightening, astonishment, revolt, anger or turbulence? Could it be otherwise poetic, funny, or full of the spirit of zen, etc.……. Just like all the other art categories, performance art can have boundless space and orientation to develop and form its own specific traits of history. That’s why one can’t see performance art only with the eyes for strangeness.
II It’s art, not skill
III Please Come to the Scene
( for the whole article, pls check Documenta of ON THE WAY International Performance Art Meeting, p 11-13 )
2011年3月27日 星期日
Marilyn Arsem
你好! 謝謝出席。很高興來臺灣參加『在路上』(On the Way)藝術節的活動,有此機緣來到台東大學。
今天葉子啟請我和各位談談劇場與行為藝術。身為行為藝術家,我的作品經常是在世界各地,回應各種不同場域的現地行為創作。同時,我也任教於美國波士頓博物 館藝術學院(the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston),教授大學與研究所學生行為藝術理論與實作﹐這是與杜夫大學(Tufts University)合開的課程。
我認為現場表演是一種連續漸層﹐一端是傳統劇場而另一端是行動藝術。事實上它並非如此純粹。這樣的分類純粹是理論架構,實際上的作品,通常跨多領域實踐, 也會結合媒體應用。藝術家並不遵循歷史家所界定的公式或範疇,而是依其作品所需借用不同的藝術操作。然而﹐辨認一些簡單的特性/差別還是有用的﹐有助於理 解兩者在實作上的差異。
劇場製作經常是對劇本的詮釋。劇本可能是一年前、一百年前、甚至一千年前的作品。 傳統劇場通常是在說一個故事,演出一段敘述/故事﹐通常發生在不同於現在的時空下。就算戲裡涵蓋了好幾年的故事,時間會被濃縮戲頂多只演幾個鐘頭。作品通常比人生來得龐大﹐宏偉﹐英雄。一群演員和設計者為一位導演工作,他負責戲的製作概念。那是一個垂直階層權力結構。導演擁有所有決定的最終決定權。劇組的工作是為大眾準備一齣製作﹐詮釋文本。挑戰的是要技術性地做好它……
你們在『在路上』藝術活動將會看到的作品則是在這個漸層的另一端。它在不同語言裡有不同的稱謂﹐像是「表演藝術」(Performance Art)、「行為藝術」(Behavior Art)、或「行動藝術」(Action Art)。 行動藝術通常由一個人創作並表演﹐而且可被視為是一種視覺藝術的實作。 沒有導演,也沒有製作劇組。觀眾經常以某種方式被融入作品當中。
為何從事行為藝術 翻譯 陳淑芬 校訂 葉子啟
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